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043: Networking and Connections

You have an important message to share…

But how do you get that out there?

With so much information floating around the internet how do you cut through the noise and reach those who really need your message?

On today’s episode, Melissa Deally shares with us the importance of networking and building strong connections to provide you with opportunities to share your message.

Melissa shares how she reaches clients who are actively searching for the services she offers and how she builds that know, like and trust factor with her clients and networking connections to ensure that her name is the first that people refer to others.

She also shares with us her advice on building a business that runs efficiently and caters to your strengths and how to keep your business model simple and not to reinvent the wheel.

To learn more about networking and building strong connections, join us on today’s Integrative #HealthCoachSuccess podcast 043– Enjoy the show!

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