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Different Ways to Sell and Promote Detoxes

“If you know something that can help someone, do NOT keep it to yourself.”

When you’re trying to gain new clients and create lifetime fans and customers, giving them a WIN is a great way to ensure you’ll always be top of mind when they’re ready to take that next step and sign on with a health coach! You’ve seen the power of the Dr. Cabral Detox and how quickly people can see results when they empty their rain barrels. Selling this detox is one of the best ways to show people the power of an Integrative Health practitioner and how our IHP ways are capable of transforming their health in a way few others can. However, it can also create a non-stop stream of referrals and is a great way to start your affiliate marketing journey and add a significant revenue stream to your business. The question is, how can you get people to actually do it? This blog is going to give you some ideas for how to SELL detoxes. Liver detox for health coaches to use in their practice. Want a proven framework for selling and supporting people through detoxes? Access our 12 module FREE Detox Mastery Course here. It will walk you step-by-step through using detoxes to build your business. Keep in mind, the more of these you do, the more effort you put in, the more you will sell. It’s as simple as that.

Never Be Afraid To Sell Something You’re Passionate About

A lot of people are afraid to feel and look “salesy,” but if it’s something you’re truly passionate about, have seen real results yourself, and understand how much it’s going to change someone’s life, you are doing them a disservice by NOT telling them about it. They want to know about things that will take away their pain, give them more energy, and allow them to sleep better. If you know something that can help someone, do NOT keep it to yourself.  They will be forever grateful to you for introducing them to it. And remember, the worst that can happen is they say no. But if when you tell them about it, you are telling them YOUR transformation story and that of others, you’ll get 10x more people saying YES PLEASE, then no.


People aren’t going to refer you to others or tell their friends unless you ask. Yes, you’ll get a few, but 10 x that if you ask.  Encourage people to do this detox with their friends and family and have them provide your info to others who might be interested.  You’ll be amazed at how many referrals you’ll get when you start asking! “Do you know anyone else who could benefit from this?  You can send them my info, and I’m happy to chat with them and support them through it.”

Here Are Some Ways You Can Share and Sell This Detox Online

Woman sharing about detoxes on social media to her community (There are more; this is just a great start.)

1. Through Your Social Media Profiles – Posting

-Share Testimonials – video and text, whatever you’ve got! -Share your personal detox story and how much it helped you – tell your story with passion and enthusiasm -Educate on why lowering your toxic load is important -Explain the symptoms that are caused by an overburdened liver and a full rain barrel -Share the transformation they might experience after doing the detox -Share info specifically about what the detox actually looks like -Answer FAQs before they even know they have them -Do a giveaway to bring attention to the detox -Go live with someone who has done the detox and share your experiences.  Save it to your feed.

2. Through Social Media – Stories

-Share behind the scenes of you doing the detox -Share how you’re feeling each day -Share testimonials -Share anything from the list above -Link out to a detox blog, ebook download, webinar you’ve created, etc.

3. Social Media Engaging – Start Conversations

Engage with people who post about problems they’re having, provide real and valuable advice, move it to your DMs, and recommend the detox when the time comes. Reply to other people’s stories with real advice. Most sales happen in your DMs.

4. Write Detox Blogs

Write detox blogs talking about why detoxing is so important, how to prepare for your detox, and what to expect, etc. We've created a done-for-you Detox Tool Box to save you time and help you sell detoxes. Learn more here.

5. Create a Detox-Specific eBook

6. Create a Newsletter Sequence

Create a newsletter sequence that triggers when they download your detox ebook. Our Detox Tool Box includes a 6-email detox sequence.

7. Send Newsletter Blasts

Send newsletter blasts to your community with the same type of content from #1 above.

8. Create a Webinar

Create a webinar focused on the transformation they will experience (energy, sleep, etc.) with the detox being the solution

9. Run Facebook Ads/Other Ads

Run Facebook ads/other ads to drive traffic to your detox page, blog, or ebook download.  Remember, it’s all about the transformation.

10. Start a Detox Group

Start a detox group (build a community and offer support before, during, and after the detox). The Detox Mastery FREE Course teaches you exactly how to do this.

11. Reach Out

Reach out to everyone you know and tell them you’re going to be doing a group detox and see if they’re interested — this can include clients, friends, family, or anyone on any of your “lead” lists.

Ways You Can Promote and Sell Detoxes in Person

1. Encourage your family and friends to do it with you 2. Approach your local gym/wellness center and offer to give a presentation about the detox, put fliers on the front desk 3. Speak at a local event 4. Approach local naturopaths and other alternative practitioners about the benefits for their clients and offer to work with them 5. Join networking groups, and what you do will come up.  Everyone has problems they want solved. When they find out what you do, they will want to know more. Remember, this detox is life-changing.  What you’re offering people is a complete mind and body transformation. There are countless ways you can sell and promote this detox.  The list above is a good starting point.  If you commit to taking action and implementing even ½ of the items on the list above, you will have a very successful detox business! THEN, it’s your job to nurture the detoxers.  Every single one can become a lifetime client and customer of yours. Every. Single. One. They will want to know the next steps. They will want to know what else you have to offer that can help solve their problems.

Beyond Selling the Detox: A Guide to Keeping Clients Feeling Fantastic

How can you keep them feeling amazing and moving forward?  Here are some quick ideas for the next steps… 1. Keep them going on the DNS shake and foundational supplements – get them on a monthly recurring subscription 2. Move them into a parasite protocol 3. Upsell them into your 4-month coaching program 4. Have them do the Big 5 lab tests 5. Keep them moving on their detox journey, and introduce them to an infrared sauna, PEMF therapy, dry brushing, etc. The list can go on forever…the key is to nurture EVERY SINGLE PERSON as one happy detoxer can turn into 10+ others! If you have additional questions or would like 1-on-1 guidance building your detoxing business, reach out to [email protected]. Schedule a call with an IHP If you are interested in pursuing a career as a health coach, check out our IHP certification program here. FREE for You: Detox Mastery Online Course Done For You Resources: Detox Tool Box For more ways to be successful in your health coaching business, check out our blog on The Foundations Every Business Needs.

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Our Certifications

IHP Level 1

Level 1 of the IHP Certification goes in depth on Dr. Cabral’s DESTRESS Protocol™, as first revealed in his book, the Rain Barrel Effect.

IHP Level 2

Level 2 goes in-depth on 7 of the most essential at-home functional lab tests Dr. Cabral uses in his own private practice.